Sánchez- Padilla, R.; Calero, Á.; Vicente, T. (2021)
From adapted spaces to habitable places: Case study with the deaf community as protagonist
- Intersticios. Revista sociológica de pensamiento crítico, vol. 15, Núm.1. pp. 203-221.
Sánchez-Padilla, R.; Calero, Á.; Agulló, J.E. (2017)
Disability discourses: Paradigms, spaces and itineraries. Editorial: Neopàtria, 2017. ISBN 978-84-16833-73-3
Scientific Meetings
Vicente, T. y Sánchez-Padilla, R.
Anthropological study to determine the accessibility needs of the hearing impaired in public spaces based on a pilot project
- Communication presented at the I Congrés Català d’Antropologia
- Tarragona, 30-31 January, 1 February 2020

Calero, Á. y Sánchez-Padilla, R.
Anthropology and intellectual disability: a model of transcultural analysis
- Paper presented at the II Jornada sobre personas con discapacidad intelectual San Juan de Dios “Transculturalidad y Discapacidad intelectual”.
- Ciepozuelos, 04 December 2019
Sánchez-Padilla, R.; Calero, Á. y Agulló, J.E.
Anthropology and Disability: strategies and life itineraries
- Communication presented at the VI Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Antropologia. Disputed Futures
- Coimbra, 2, 3 and 4 June 2016.

Calero, Á.
Structures of reception in Valencian society for people with intellectual disabilities and their families: analysis from life narratives
- Communication presented at the XIV Anthropology Congress. Anthropologies in Transformation, Senses, commitments and utopias
- Valencia, 5-8/09/2017